A blog to recommend movies, hikes, books, TV shows, internet sites, or other things that may catch my interest.
Friday, September 30, 2011
Movie – Pi (1998)

Thursday, September 29, 2011
Movie – The Third Man (1949)

Wednesday, September 28, 2011
Movie – Sunrise: A Song of Two Humans (1927)

Tuesday, September 27, 2011
Movie – Not One Less (1999)

Monday, September 26, 2011
Movie – Zero Effect (1998)

Sunday, September 11, 2011
Movies by the Numbers
“Look who’s got a bad case of Dark Prince envy…..And where’d you get that accent, Sesame Street? [mocking accent] Vun, two, three ––– three victims! Mwah, ha, ha, ha!” – Xander Harris to Dracula, Buffy the Vampire Slayer TV Show
Did you ever notice how many movies have some kind of number in the title? You can pretty much find a movie with every number from 1 all the way up to 50 in the name. I’ve decided to do a large series of posts reviewing movies from 1 to 50, plus any other numbers that I find worthy.
To do this I could use your help. I’m pretty much set for numbers 1 to 13 on movies I’ve both seen and would recommend, but I have no idea what to write about for 14. Other numbers up to 50 I could use some suggestions for are 18, 20, 22-27, 29, 31-33, 38, 41, and 43-47. In addition, I’ve seen Less Than Zero, but didn’t feel it was a three star movie. I have not seen either Zerophilia or The Zero Effect. Would anyone recommend either of those?
A few guidelines:
- No numbers from sequels (and yes, there are sequel numbers that go that high for anime and Inspector Morse movies.)
- Variations on numbers are okay (i.e. Fourteenth, Forty-Seventh, etc.)
- Numbers that are part of a larger number would not count (i.e. 1492 would not count for 14.)
- Numbers included with letters would count (i.e. District B13 would count for 13.)
- Please suggest movies you think are actually worth watching. I’ve already found movies with numbers from 1 to 50; the problem is I either haven’t seen them (i.e. Code 46), or wouldn’t really recommend them (i.e. Love and a .45).
- Even though I didn’t ask for recommendations for many of the numbers, if you have a movie that you think would be great for any of them, please let me know about it. It may be one I have never seen and I always appreciate good recommendations.
I’m going to be leaving for a hiking vacation after I post this, so I will check back in a week or so. Hopefully now that I’ve got some serious movie fans as Followers I can get some interesting suggestions on movies to see and write about.
As I post for each number I will update the table below with a link to the movie. I have already populated it with links for numbered movies that I have previously posted. This list is not set in stone. I may add more numbers to it, and I may not end up doing some of them, if no good candidate can be found. One other note – the movies I pick will not necessarily be the “greatest” movie for that number. I may pick some lesser known movies that I feel deserve to be seen.
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8 ½ | Only here to forestall suggestions – I didn’t care for 8 ½ that much. |
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9 ½ | |
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2046 | |
20000 | |
1000000 |
On to the reviews…
Dec 12, 2011 Update - I am suspending this at number 50. I may pick this category up at a later date. You can read more about it here.
Monday, September 5, 2011
Movies where Women have Big Guns
“You got the .50 up? ....... What the f*ck? What the f*ck are you trying to shoot? A jumbo jet out of the sky? Blast down the moon?” – Georgia Sykes to her female partner, Smokin’ Aces
No, the title is not a euphemism. If you are hoping to see an exploration of Russ Meyer movies, or the oeuvre of Pamela Anderson, then you are going to be disappointed. The title is meant literally. And we’re not talking about big handguns, or even machine guns, but some seriously big guns. And no, I’m not going to go all Freudian on what these guns represent for the women, either. Sorry if I disappointed again.
Women with big guns (in the literal sense) have been a relatively recent change in movies. In fact, when the first movie on this list, La Femme Nikita, came out in 1990 the image of the lead actress holding a huge sniper rifle was everywhere when advertising the movie precisely because it was such a different image.
It still took quite a few years after that before another movie had a main female character wielding a big gun. Sure, in 1998’s Lock, Stock, and Two Smoking Barrels there was a funny scene with a woman firing a big gun, but she was a very minor character and it was for comic relief. I’m not going to include that one in this category.
Smokin’ Aces in 2006 is the next movie without no-name actors in it that I can remember having a woman knowing her way around a big gun. Finally, in the 2010 movie Red, we got to see Helen Mirren, “the Queen” herself, firing a huge gun (while in elegant evening wear, no less.)
You might be wondering, “Where’s Vasquez from Aliens? Or even Ripley strapping the flamethrower and gun together in the same movie?” I’m saving that movie for another category, but when I do post on it I will tie it back to this category.
You can find my posts for these movies here:
On to the reviews…
Movie – La Femme Nikita (1990)

What set La Femme Nikita (and Leon) apart from other action movies of the time was the level of emotion that was invested in the characters. These weren’t some indestructible killing machines or two dimensional good guys; these were real people put in extraordinary circumstances and you cared about what happened to them. This is truly an action film for both men and women.
Movie – Smokin’ Aces (2006)

The premise of the movie is that Las Vegas entertainer Buddy “Aces” Israel (Jeremy Piven chewing the scenery) has decided to testify against the mob. He holes up in a hotel room in Lake Tahoe to try to get away from the retaliation. A bounty is put on his head and a small army of assassins show up to claim the bounty. The FBI is trying to get there to protect him. Security at the hotel gets involved, too.
Movie – Red (2010)

Friday, September 2, 2011
Humor – Guess the Movie Quiz #2
I’m going to do a little quiz from time to time as I run across photos that apply. How will the quiz work? I will post a photo and from that you try to figure out what movie it refers to.
If you missed it, you can see #1 here.
I’ll do another easy one this time. Here is the picture. What is the movie?
Click Read more for the answer.
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