A blog to recommend movies, hikes, books, TV shows, internet sites, or other things that may catch my interest.
Saturday, August 30, 2014
Movie – Avatar (2009)

Wednesday, August 27, 2014
Movie – Live and Become (2005)

Wednesday, August 20, 2014
Hike – Champlain Mountain, Huguenot Head, Beachcroft Trail, Champlain North Ridge Trail
The Thrumcap as seen from Champlain Mountain |
This post describes a loop hike that traverses Champlain Mountain from west to north, with a walk
back along part of the Park Loop
Road . In my
opinion, on a clear, sunny day there is no better place to be in Acadia National Park
than atop Champlain
Mountain with its views
of the ocean and surrounding area.
Friday, August 15, 2014
Hike – Four Summits, Bald Peak, Parkman Mountain, Gilmore Peak, and Sargent Mountain via Hadlock Brook Trail, Bald Peak Trail, Bald-Parkman Connector, Parkman Mountain Trail, Grandgent Trail, Sargent South Ridge Trail, Maple Spring Trail
The first three peaks summited (all in foreground) |
Directions: Take Routes 3 and 198 north out of Northeast Harbor. Just after passing the end of Upper Hadlock Pond, which will be on the right, there will be a small parking area on the left off the side of the road. Since this is the trailhead for several trails to Parkman Mountain, Bald Peak, Norumbega Mountain, and others, there may be cars also lined up along the side of the road. The trailhead for this hike is across the highway from the north end of the lot. Take care crossing since traffic will be going fast.
Tuesday, August 12, 2014
Hike – Norumbega Mountain, Goat Trail, Norumbega Mountain Trail, Hadlock Ponds Trail, Norumbega Connector
View from the summit of Norumbega Mountain |
Directions: Take Routes 3 and 198 north out of Northeast Harbor. Just after passing the end of Upper Hadlock Pond, which will be on the right, there will be a small parking area on the left off the side of the road. Since this is also the trailhead for several trails to Parkman Mountain, Bald Peak, and others, there may be cars also lined up along the side of the road. The trailhead for Norumbega is on the same side as the parking, at the north end of the lot.
The hike starts on The Goat Trail. You will soon see that it is aptly
named. It rises 600 feet in a quarter of
a mile. In fact, almost all the
elevation gain for this part of the hike is achieved in just this short
starting section. If you are part
mountain goat it will help you to get up over the many steps and
switchbacks. In fact, at one point I
passed a mountain goat that had stopped and was sucking wind.
Monday, August 11, 2014
Hike – Cadillac Mountain Summit to Summit Loop Hike Using the South Ridge Trail, Canon Brook Trail, A. Murray Young Trail, and Gorge Path
Looking southwest from Cadillac Mountain |
Wednesday, August 6, 2014
Here are the Unofficial Changes for the 2014 Edition of the 1,001 Movies You Must See Before You Die

I went out to the official site and did not find anything
listing changes, but I noticed that the list of the current entries did include
one of the new ones – 12 Years a Slave.
I tend to discount the list on the official site since whenever I had
looked at it in the past it was always a few years out of date. In this case though, I checked and several of
the films I was told were added were indeed in the list at the site, and
several of the ones I was told were removed were indeed not on this list.
Saturday, August 2, 2014
July Movie Status
This post is a day late.
I went to see Guardians of the Galaxy last night instead. Marvel delivers another real winner. Unless you hate fun, entertaining movies you
should go see it. Trust me.
I saw 28 new movies in the month of July. After some months of watching very few films
because I was working on my book, I got back into the swing of things a little
in July.
For whatever reason I didn’t have much interest at the
beginning of the month in working on my remaining Oscar Best Picture nominees. I decided to concentrate on
the They Shoot Pictures Don’t They list.
I got the 2014 version of the Top 1,000 movies and went through it. There’s a lot of volatility from year to
year, but my overall totals seen for both the 2013 and 2014 lists were very
I decided to see if I could knock off the remaining films I
had not yet seen that were in the Top 500 of these lists. I didn’t quite make it. I was one short on the 2014 list and three
short on the 2013 version. I’m just
under 850 seen on both lists. I did
manage to knock off a few of the very longest remaining entries. I’ve still got 8 titles that are at least
three hours long on the 2014 list, 3 of which are at least 6 hours long, and 1
of those is the TV miniseries Heimat which is almost 16 hours long. The 2013 list has all of those remaining,
plus four others, for a total of 12 entries at least three hours long.
Here are the 28 new movies I saw in July. Highlighted films are ones to which I would give
at least three stars out of five.
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