
Index of Hikes

Why Hike?


     Acadia National Park:

          East side of Mount Desert Island:

               Bar Island
               Bald Peak
               The Beehive
               The Bowl
               Bubble Pond
               Bubble Rock
               Bubbles Divide
               Cadillac Mountain (via Gorge Path aka East Side Ascent)
               Cadillac Mountain (via North Ridge Trail)
               Cadillac Mountain (via South Ridge Trail)
               Cadillac Mountain (via West Face Trail)
               Cadillac Mountain Summit to Summit Loop
               Champlain Mountain (via Beachcroft Trail and North Ridge Trail)
               Champlain Mountain (via South Ridge Trail)
               Compass Harbor
               Conner's Nubble
               Day Mountain
               Dorr Mountain (all East and South Side Trails) - not yet posted
               Dorr Mountain (via North and West Side Trails)
               Eagle Lake (via Bubble Pond) - not yet posted
               Eagle Lake (via Conner's Nubble)
               Eagle's Crag
               The Featherbed
               Four Summits
               From the Mountains to the Sea
               Gilmore Peak
               Gorham Mountain
               Great Head (All Trails)
               Great Meadow Loop - not yet posted
               Huguenot Head
               Hunters Beach
               Hunters Brook
               Jordan Pond
               Jordan Stream
               Kebo Mountain - not yet posted
               North Bubble
               Norumbega Mountain
               Ocean Path
               Parkman Mountain (via Bald Peak)
               Pemetic Mountain (SE to NW traverse from Jordan Pond House)
               Penobscot Mountain (via Sargent Mtn and Deer Brook Trail)
               Sargent Mountain (via Deer Brook and East Cliff Trails)
               Sargent Mountain (via Grandgent Trail)
               Schooner Head (including Schooner Head Path and Murphy Lane) - not yet posted)
               Seaside Path (from Jordan Pond House)
               Shore Path
               Sieur de Monts Trails - not yet posted
               South Bubble
               The Tarn - not yet posted
               Thuya Gardens - not yet posted
               The Triad (from Jordan Pond House)
               The Triad (via Hunters Brook Trail)
               Wild Gardens of Acadia - not yet posted

          West side of Mount Desert Island:

               Acadia Mountain
               Bass Harbor Lighthouse
               Beech Cliffs (via Beech Mountain)
               Beech Mountain (via North Side Trails)
               Beech Mountain (via South and West Side Trails)
               Beech Mountain's Valley Trail
               Canada Cliffs (via Beech Mountain)
               Flying Mountain (All Trails)
               The Great Notch (via Long Pond Fire Road) - not yet posted
               The Great Notch (via Long Pond Trail)
               Long Pond
               Ship Harbor
               St. Sauveur Mountain and Valley Peak (All Official Trails)

          Schoodic Peninsula:

               Schoodic Head (All Trails)

          Isle Au Haut:

               None hiked yet.

     Other than Acadia National Park:

          Appalachian Trail:

               Little Wilson Falls
               Table Rock

          Camden Hills State Park:

               Maiden Cliffs
               Megunticook Mountain I
               Megunticook Mountain II
               Mount Battie I
               Mount Battie II

          Grafton Notch State Park:

               Moose Cave
               Mother Walker Falls
               Screw Auger Falls
               Step Falls
               Table Rock

          Moosehead Lake Region:

               Borestone Mountain
               Little Wilson Falls
               Mount Kineo

          Other Hikes in Maine:

               Bradbury Mountain - not yet posted
               Burnt Meadow Mountain - not yet posted
               The Cataracts - not yet posted
               Douglas Mountain - not yet posted
               Dunn Falls - not yet posted
               East Royce Mountain - not yet posted
               Jockey Cap - not yet posted
               Little Bald Pate (via Appalachian Trail) - not yet posted
               Mount Agamenticus - not yet posted
               Mount Cutler - not yet posted
               Mount Pisgah - not yet posted
               Mount Tirem - not yet posted
               Mountain Division Trail - not yet posted
               Moxie Falls - not yet posted
               Ogunquit Trails - not yet posted
               Ossipee Hill - not yet posted
               Peary Mountain
               Pleasant Mountain (via Bald Peak Trail) - not yet posted
               Pleasant Mountain (via Southwest Trail) - not yet posted
               Robinson Woods
               Singepole Mountain - not yet posted

New Hampshire:

     Arethusa Falls - not yet posted
     Eastman Mountain - not yet posted
     Frankenstein Cliffs - not yet posted
     Ripley Falls - not yet posted

Nova Scotia:

     Benjies Lake Trail
     Bog Trail
     Skyline Trail


     Mount Mansfield - not yet posted
     Robert Frost Path - not yet posted

Hiking Books:

     AMC Maine Mountain Guide, Ninth Edition
     AMC Maine Mountain Guide, Tenth Edition
     AMC White Mountain Guide, Twenty-Eighth Edition
     A Walk in the Park: Acadia's Hiking Guide, Tenth Edition


  1. it doesn't look like you have eany hiking in a while ,and I see you have not updated some of the ones you have done .
    I have always been interested in fall hiking ,but I am afraid of getting shot at what are your thoughts on that?

    1. My most recent post on hiking is the one for Nova Scotia, so if you were only looking at the Maine entries then it would be easy to miss. You can click on the "Hikes" label on the right and you will see all the posts I've done so far, from newest to oldest. I do tend to only post on hikes after finishing one movie category and before starting another, so that does make them less numerous.

      I like fall hiking because of the leaves, of course. Check out my post on Peary Mountain under "Other hikes in Maine" for one I did a few years ago. I got some great pictures then.

      In regards to hunters, that's why I've never explored down back of my house in the fall. I can't justify the expense of an orange coat and hat for an occasional walk. I don't have much of a worry about well-established trails, though. Hunters often use the same starting point as the hikers and/or they know the area, so they should be aware that there might be people around.
