
Monday, August 13, 2012

Update – Intermittent Posts

Some of you may have noticed that I haven’t been posting most every day like I had been doing.  The reason is that I just haven’t been on the computer much the last couple of weeks.  It’s summer, I’m out and about, and the thought of sitting down and writing movie reviews just hasn’t had that much appeal for me lately.  I think it was July of last year that I had a similar lull.

I wanted to let you know that I do plan to continue posting, but that those posts may follow a pattern like what you’ve seen recently – maybe every two, or even three days instead of daily.  While I could try to dash off quick reviews, I don’t think I’d be satisfied with what I was posting, so I’d probably end up taking the time to write a full review anyway.

Because I haven’t been on the computer I unfortunately also haven’t been visiting your sites.  It’s now been more than a week since I made my rounds.  With the current number of blogs I read and comment on, it takes me a steady six hours to catch up on all of them on a weekly basis.  And I’m a fast reader and fast typist.

I will continue to post on “American” movies (my current category), and I also still have reviews of The Bourne Legacy and The Expendables 2 to finish out the Big Summer Movies category.  I do intend to get caught up on your posts as well.  And at some point I will pick up my pace and get back to the old frequency.

Thanks for reading.


  1. woo hoo summer time, good for you Chip get out there and have fun. It's too damn hot to sit in front of a computer screen for hours. :-)

    1. Good point on how hot it gets sitting in front of a computer, too.

  2. I understand.. Enjoy your Summer...
