
Saturday, March 24, 2012

7 X 7 Link Award

(We interrupt this program to bring you the following news:)

I got 7x7 link award from Diana, Steven, and Sati., thanks so much!

My apologies to the three of you for taking so long to put this post together.

The rules are as follows:

- Tell everyone something that no one else knows about you.
- Link to one of my posts that I personally think best fits the following categories: Most Beautiful Piece, Most Helpful Piece, Most Popular Piece, Most Controversial Piece, Most Surprisingly Successful Piece, Most Underrated Piece, and Most Pride-Worthy Piece.

Tell everyone something that no one else knows about you:

Well, I’m assuming this means “no other bloggers”, rather than “not even family”.

Before I started writing online movie reviews I spent four years researching the genealogy of an ancestor of mine named Gideon Parkman (1714-1789).  I expanded his known descendants from under 1,000 to over 4,000.  I then organized this information, did a manuscript including photos/footnotes/indices, and published a 900 page genealogy book containing all of this information.  You can blow the dust off the copy that’s in the U.S. Library of Congress, if you are ever there.  Here is an excerpt:  

Most Beautiful Piece:  I’m going to interpret this literally.  Here are a couple examples of the beauty of Maine.  If these interest you, you can see more by clicking on the “Hikes” label.)

Most Helpful Piece:  It brings together everything he has done. 
Most Popular Piece:  This has been far and away my most popular post.  I should do a second one like it. 
Most Controversial Piece:  It is very fashionable to discredit this film nowadays.  I have never been one to follow fashion. 

Most Surprisingly Successful Piece:  This post on Game of Thrones has taken off in recent weeks as the first season was released on DVD/BD and the second season is debuting in about a week. 

Most Underrated Piece:  This is not so much underrated as it is little seen.  I posted it in the very first days of my blog and it is a film that deserves more recognition. 

Most Pride-Worthy Piece:  I’m proud of the fact that even though I had money taken from me by Google, I didn’t stay upset by it and was able to laugh it off.  (Note, there is some legalese from Amazon I was required to put in this post.) 

Pass this award on to seven other bloggers.

My apologies to everyone, especially Diana, Steven, and Sati., but just about every blog I read has already received this award and it’s pretty much impossible to find someone new to honor.  Please check out the list of blogs I follow in my profile.  You are sure to find something at each of them to interest you.

(We now return to our regularly scheduled Fairytales for Adults movie category, already in progress.)


  1. You're welcome and don't worry about the delay!

  2. Congrats on the award, Chip, everyone is getting one, or posting a 7x7 at the moment! ( :

  3. @Sati. - Thanks again.

    @Chris - Thanks, and congratulations to you, too. I'm checking out your 7 X 7 post right after posting this comment.

  4. Congrats!! Awards are always fun to pass around..
