
Monday, February 6, 2012

I Received a Liebster Blog Award

Barry P. at Cinematic Catharsis has honored Tips from Chip with the Liebster Blog Award!  So, what is that?  It’s an award bestowed by fellow bloggers to give special recognition to notable blogs with fewer than 200 followers.  I am quite honored that Barry selected me for this, since he follows quite a few different blogs.  Thank you so much Barry.  It was certainly a welcome bit of news.

You may be wondering what recipients of this award are supposed to do with it.  The answer is that they should pay it forward to other people whose sites are deserving of recognition. 

There are a few rules if you decide to accept the nomination: you should thank the person who nominated you; nominate five other favorite blogs with fewer than 200 followers; and copy/paste the Liebster Blog icon into your post. 

Like Barry said in his post on this, it was tough to narrow the potential nominees down to just five, but here goes (in alphabetical order):

  1. 1001plus
  2. Aziza's Picks
  3. Big Thoughts from a Small Mind
  4. Eternal Sunshine of the Logical Mind
  5. Public Transportation Snob


  1. Thank you Chip, that's so nice of you! writing my post now :)

  2. Thanks for considering our site Chip Lary, much appreciated.

  3. @Aziza and CS - You are very welcome. Thanks for all the great posts at your sites.

  4. Thanks again Chip...I think I responded on my own blog to you, but felt I should do it here too. I haven't paid it forward yet as I'm still trying to think how best to do that - these memes used to be around a lot several years ago, so I'd like to do something different. Preferably that somehow also brings exposure to some films I think warrant it.

    I'll let you know if I think of anything.

  5. @Bob Turnbull - You're welcome. I had wondered if you had decided to decline it or not. I had some trouble deciding on which five to pick and so I didn't know if you had run into the same thing.
