
Saturday, March 5, 2011


An example of one of the photos on the site
Dave and Anne (or Anne and Dave) originally started this blog in early 2010 to document Anne’s battle with esophageal cancer.  I am happy to say that the battle was won and in January of 2011 they started on a four month long camping trip that will take them around the eastern, southern, and western perimeter of the U.S.  They will finish by driving back across southern Canada.  They have posted many great photos and descriptions.  I am recommending this site for both the medical and travel reasons.

Here is the address of the site: 

The first thing you will notice is a lot of great photos of their trip.  Like other blogs, things appear newest to oldest, so you see the most recent photos first.  Scroll down past the photos and you will see their descriptions of the trip, again newest to oldest.  In order to read all of the trip posts you should select the “January” label on the right, then the “Jan 05” post to start.

Since the 2010 posts chronicle Anne’s cancer battle, I checked with them first to see if they would be okay if I posted about it here.  Dave said that they were fine with that.  Actually, while Anne was going through her struggles, they were able to read what another man had posted about his experiences with the same thing and it helped them.  They hope that reading about Anne’s experiences will help someone else in the future.

I first met Dave when I started a new job in 1997.  He was in the cubicle next to me and for the next 11 years we were neighbors.  He and I would get out and golf some.  I met Anne along the way and found someone else who liked movies like I did.  When the massive ice storm hit in the winter of 97/98 Dave and Anne took me in for five nights while I was without power, even though I had not known them that long.

If you are thinking about a trip to any part of the perimeter of the U.S., or if you know someone who is facing a battle with esophageal cancer, then I highly recommend this site.  If you would just like to see some great photos from around the country then check out the ones on this site.

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