
Sunday, January 16, 2011

Problems Posting Comments?

I’ve had a few people tell me that they tried to leave a comment, but were not able to.  I had two people try it in front of me this weekend and I realized I should write up some tips for this as well.  Please click "Read more" for the tips.

At the bottom of each post you will find the words “Post a Comment” with an empty text box below them.  Type your comment into this box.  When you are done, click on the dropdown arrow beside “Comment as” and choose “Name/URL.”

This will cause a window to open with fields for you to enter either your name or a URL.  You do not need to enter both.  If you don’t want people to know your real name then I suggest using “Gertrude MacGillicuddy.”  (Unless your name really is Gertrude MacGillicuddy, then I suggest using “Jane Doe.”)  Another alternative is to choose “Anonymous” from the drop down list, instead of “Name/URL.”

Once you have entered your name, click on the “Continue” button in the same window where you entered your name.  Do not click on the "X" in the upper right.  This will cancel what you are doing.

At this point you should click “Post Comment”.  I watched a couple people do this for the first time this weekend and when they clicked the button, nothing appeared to happen.  I had them both click “Preview” instead.  Once they did this once or twice, the Captcha appeared.

A Captcha is a string of letters that you will need to enter to show that you are a human being instead of an automatic spammer.  Enter the letters that appear on the screen and click on Post Comment.  Your comment should now successfully appear at the end of the post.

One of these people then did a second comment and the Captcha came up fine for them without them having to click Preview first.  I’m not sure why this did what it did.  It’s possible that it’s related to it being their first time in getting the Captcha served to them.

I would suggest that if you had trouble entering a comment before that you follow the steps outlined above and try to leave a test comment for this post.  If you still cannot leave a comment, please email me at


  1. leaving a comment isn't that difficult. how odd.

    Good luck with your blog Chip.

  2. Thanks.

    I think it's the captcha not appearing right away that is tripping up some folks.
